As the demand for nutritious and affordable food continues to rise, the need to accelerate sustainable agriculture, improve crop yields and offer protection against a wide variety of plant diseases and insect pests has never been more important.
The 2023 Salinas Biological Summit has been designed to provide growers, consultants, entrepreneurs, investors and policymakers with a detailed overview of the current landscape for biological research, development and deployment. The recently published 'Roadmap for California; Accelerating Sustainable Pest Management’ report provides some insights into the regulatory environment that growers in California need to navigate.
The Summit will feature keynote speakers, panel discussions and targeted breakouts. A number of international delegations will be attending the Summit, sharing their experiences for delivering 'best practice'. With global consumer sentiment driving both retail and regulatory behaviors, the 2023 Salinas Biological Summit provides the platform for delegates to meet, engage and learn.