CDFA Undersecretary Christine Birdsong Addresses the Summit in San Francisco

CDFA Undersecretary Christine Birdsong joined the Summit organizers and a select number of invited guests in San Francisco on Tuesday 14 March.

Because of the 'atmospheric river' drenching Northern California on the 14th, Undersecretary Birdsong was unable to join the meeting in person. She did however provide an insightful presentation via ZOOM which generated interesting feedback and a number of questions from those present.

Undersecretary Birdsong provided further background to the recently launched ‘Roadmap for California; Accelerating Sustainable Pest Management’. A number of questions from those attending addressed different aspects of the roadmap. It will be a major feature of June's 2023 Salinas Biological Summit as we discuss its implications for growers. and by growers.

Undersecretary Birdsong will be joining CDFA Secretary Karen Ross in Salinas in June. For growers keen to learn more about the roadmap and its implications for them, their presence in June will provide the perfect platform to leverage this conversation.



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