Meet these highly innovative California Growers

Meet these highly innovative California Growers

Over the past 10 years, I've attended numerous AgriFoodTech conferences where the one key stakeholder group missing has been the most important: The Producers. The Farmers. The Growers.

At next month's 2024 Salinas Biological Summit, that's all changed. Growers are at the centre of the conversation which will be reflected by the large number in the room. The Summit will provide delegates with an opportunity to engage with some of the most innovative production players in the world. Nowhere will this be more apparent than during the major Grower Panel session on Day 1.

The Grower Panel Discussion

  • Joe Pezzini
    Senior Director of Ag Operations, Taylor Farms
  • Michael Seagraves
    Director, Global Plant Health, Driscolls
  • Kevin Andrew
    Senior Vice President Operations, Illume
  • Dr. Hillary Thomas
    Research & Technical Director, Naturipe Berry Growers
  • Don Cameron
    Vice President and General Manager, Terranova Ranch

Moderated by Dennis Donohue
Director, Western Growers Innovation & Technology Center

This experienced line-up of key players will discuss some of the most significant challenges and emerging solutions facing growers today. For agtech companies, researchers and investors looking to meet and listen to the real challenges facing those 'in the field', next month's Summit provides a unique platform to engage and learn. 

We hope you can join them.


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